Using 'Acupuncture Without Needles' for Holiday Stress, Weight Loss, & Fatigue
It's that time of year again. The stress has piled up from Thanksgiving and Christmas, you're exhausted and not to mention the added on pounds that were gained from those holiday treats.
What if you could treat ALL of these symptoms with an all-natural alternative?
Join LifeWave Doctors Dr. Karen Kan and Dr. Dennis Lobstein for a LIVE Q&A Session dedicated to answering your questions about the popular "acupuncture without needles" LifeWave patches. This episode will focus on the "post-holidays blues" - how LifeWave products can help with overeating, over-stresses, and fatigue!
Learn more about this powerful all-natural technology (nothing goes in, and nothing goes out!) that works by stimulating acupuncture points on your body for pain relief, energy production, detoxification, improving sleep, controlling appetite and anti-aging effects.
And even if you are already familar with LifeWave patches, then this is the perfect opportunity to ask how you can get the most out of these patches (how to combine patches for your particular issue, the best times to patch, and much more)!
Dr. Lobstein is a published author, health educator and exercise scientist who researches energy medicine and exercise.
It's that time of year again. The stress has piled up from Thanksgiving and Christmas, you're exhausted and not to mention the added on pounds that were gained from those holiday treats.
What if you could treat ALL of these symptoms with an all-natural alternative?
Join LifeWave Doctors Dr. Karen Kan and Dr. Dennis Lobstein for a LIVE Q&A Session dedicated to answering your questions about the popular "acupuncture without needles" LifeWave patches. This episode will focus on the "post-holidays blues" - how LifeWave products can help with overeating, over-stresses, and fatigue!
Learn more about this powerful all-natural technology (nothing goes in, and nothing goes out!) that works by stimulating acupuncture points on your body for pain relief, energy production, detoxification, improving sleep, controlling appetite and anti-aging effects.
And even if you are already familar with LifeWave patches, then this is the perfect opportunity to ask how you can get the most out of these patches (how to combine patches for your particular issue, the best times to patch, and much more)!
Dr. Lobstein is a published author, health educator and exercise scientist who researches energy medicine and exercise.