Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible with Caroline Cory

In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I have the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Cory, the creator of the film Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible Film. Superhuman is a provocative award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the powers of the human mind over matter. Through ground-breaking scientific experiments and real-life demonstrations, viewers will find themselves connecting the dots about the relationship between mind and matter and discover whether they live in a simulated matrix or if they can have any control over their physical reality. Caroline shares some of the most exciting bits with us on this show! It's incredible and miraculous. Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, futurist, and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and pre-cognition experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to existential topics, the study of Consciousness, and the mechanics of the universe. To watch, order Caroline Cory's film SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible and learn more about her by visiting her website!
In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I have the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Cory, the creator of the film Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible Film. Superhuman is a provocative award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the powers of the human mind over matter. Through ground-breaking scientific experiments and real-life demonstrations, viewers will find themselves connecting the dots about the relationship between mind and matter and discover whether they live in a simulated matrix or if they can have any control over their physical reality. Caroline shares some of the most exciting bits with us on this show! It's incredible and miraculous. Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, futurist, and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and pre-cognition experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to existential topics, the study of Consciousness, and the mechanics of the universe. To watch, order Caroline Cory's film SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible and learn more about her by visiting her website!
Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible with Caroline Cory
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