LifeWave Patching for the Holidays (Hangovers, Jet Lag & more!)
On this special episode of "Live with the LifeWave Doctors" Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I decided to a unique topic - Patching for the Holidays.
Have you ever noticed that you feel more drained during the holidays?
We are going to do a show on how to use these nifty little acupuncture patches for things like hangovers, jet lag and biorhythmic disruptions from sleep loss. For more information about LifeWave Patches and archives of the Lifewave Radio show go to
On this special episode of "Live with the LifeWave Doctors" Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I decided to a unique topic - Patching for the Holidays.
Have you ever noticed that you feel more drained during the holidays?
We are going to do a show on how to use these nifty little acupuncture patches for things like hangovers, jet lag and biorhythmic disruptions from sleep loss. For more information about LifeWave Patches and archives of the Lifewave Radio show go to