LifeWave Patching for Burning Discomfort in the Chest and Stomach
LifeWave patches can be used to regulate the energy of the life force known as qi in the acupuncture meridians. According to Asian medical physiology, Stomach qi normally flows downward in the Stomach Meridian. However, when certain energy becomes imbalanced, Stomach qi can flow upwards. The upward flow of Stomach qi referred to as rebellious St qi creates dizziness, nausea, vertigo, gastric reflux, and the feeling of burning in the chest and stomach. Regulation of qi means the qi is influenced to correct its imbalance and flow in a healthy direction. So, in the case of St qi, regulation means returning the qi flow in the downward direction, thereby eliminating rebellion and its discomforting consequences such as burning in the chest and stomach. One of the simplest ways to regulate St qi is to place a LifeWave Glutathione patch on CV 12, the front mu point for the St meridian. Other approaches include calming the Liver qi so Wood does not attack Earth, and we will discuss protocols for doing this as well as the logic behind the involved Asian medical physiology.
During this Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show Monday, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize qi that affects the health to maintain and restore energy balance.
LifeWave patches can be used to regulate the energy of the life force known as qi in the acupuncture meridians. According to Asian medical physiology, Stomach qi normally flows downward in the Stomach Meridian. However, when certain energy becomes imbalanced, Stomach qi can flow upwards. The upward flow of Stomach qi referred to as rebellious St qi creates dizziness, nausea, vertigo, gastric reflux, and the feeling of burning in the chest and stomach. Regulation of qi means the qi is influenced to correct its imbalance and flow in a healthy direction. So, in the case of St qi, regulation means returning the qi flow in the downward direction, thereby eliminating rebellion and its discomforting consequences such as burning in the chest and stomach. One of the simplest ways to regulate St qi is to place a LifeWave Glutathione patch on CV 12, the front mu point for the St meridian. Other approaches include calming the Liver qi so Wood does not attack Earth, and we will discuss protocols for doing this as well as the logic behind the involved Asian medical physiology.
During this Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show Monday, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize qi that affects the health to maintain and restore energy balance.